Defense Distributed: Is There a Future for Gun-control?

The essay is about the explosive issues surrounding Defense Distributed, a company that develops virtual blueprints of guns that anyone can download and use to print a gun at home, in a 3d printer. Most importantly, it is about additive manufacturing and its potentially huge impacts in society and does not intend to take a side on any political issue or on the merits of people or organizations represented in it.

UPS Aims to Deliver Last Mile Efficiencies by Drone

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While much has been made about Amazon’s Prime Air drone delivery program, the world’s largest parcel delivery company is not sitting by idly. A UPS initiative is outfitting its iconic brown trucks with drone systems but technological and regulatory hurdles loom on the horizon.

Waste Management is Cleaning Up its Act

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Every year we continue to generate more and more waste that has ripple effects that go well beyond our local communities, increasing the global importance of innovation in the environmental services industry. Now, more than ever, we need to start cleaning up our act.