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On November 30, 2015, Abenson commented on Enron: Failure of Epic Proportions :

Great post Reid! Interesting to read a summary of what caused Enron’s failure. Was there anything in the model that did work? If they would have had better leaders who didn’t make their mistakes where would Enron be today? The vision and idea they had seemed interesting and even beneficial to others by providing markets with liquidity and transparency, did any of this survive their collapse?

On November 30, 2015, Abenson commented on AB InBev: Getting High on Growth :

Great post Ban – It seems like the playbook is for management to apply their awesome operational capability to acquired brands and squeeze out value above the price they pay. I’m in agreement that they can probably pull this off with SAB Miller, but from there I wonder what’s next? They will have 20%+ of the global beer industry and some critics are already complaining about the near monopoly this latest acquisition will create in some markets. It will be interesting to see if there is further consolidation within the beer market or if ABInbev focuses on organic growth in the future.

On November 30, 2015, Abenson commented on Postmates: Logistical Winners in the On-Demand Sharing Economy :

Great post Ellen, very interesting to learn the business model details behind this company! To add on to the first comments, the most interesting areas to watch will be how competition and pricing evolve in this space. Amazon, Google, Uber, and even Instacart are all pursuing the local delivery space. Does it make sense for Postmates to expand non-food delivery services and compete head to head or is it better to dominate their vertical? I also wonder what Postmates projects as a market size given their current pricing as well as how they think scale will lower costs and attract more users.