Healing Depression through Community and Crowdsourcing

Depression is yet to gain awareness and be addressed as a social issue.
Although a lot is being done to solve this issue under the World Health Organisation and other Foundations Globally as well as within certain Local Organisations in India a lot of work is yet to be done and reach the working classes.
The reality is that depression is not one size fits all. It can be completely obvious that a person is depressed, or the case may be that you’d never in a million years guess that the person was depressed.

By providing a web-based platform for people to seek help and enable connections via community can help address the issue as well as provide support to tackle some of the under-lying causes of depression in the person and enhance his well-being in that direction.




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Participant comments on Healing Depression through Community and Crowdsourcing

  1. Nice work on outlining the problem and solution of recognizing depression and providing ways for users to find help. I am interested in the competitive landscape here given the rise of a variety of mobile apps focused on mental health and therapy. Specifically, are there existing communities and interaction from these first-to-market platforms and how to do then capture market share?

    1. Hi Lauren – thanks for reviewing and the feedback. You bring up very good points. I am currently in the middle of market research and persona building but here is what I have:
      1) Competitive Market – there are two types here a) Apps providing therapy options and other sources like meditation apps b) crowdfunded apps that have a wider audience but that enable community and outreach. My pitch is to combine the two within one platform that offers community, care in the form of conselling by volunteer opportunities and crowdfunding in the form of donations made to the platforms or specific programs offered within the platform in the form of community work
      2) Market Share – Since this idea is pretty naicent I am unsure there is one particular way to capture market share but I am thinking on the lines of a new and improved GoFundMe.

      I will be happy to discuss this further with you since my research on this is still very very new.

  2. KJ, This looks like a product that may provide much needed support to many. There has been such a traumatic impact to so many in the last few months from healthcare workers to families that have had losses anything that can provide aid is a great thing. I recommend that you take a look at the VA apps and resources.

    1. Thanks a ton for your feedbank Fernanda! Will definitely explore in the area.

  3. Very nice idea KJ…Many people don’t realize that they are suffering from it… There is a saying Spreading Happiness Doubles it and Sharing your sorrows helps provide a shade when you need it… I am sure a crowd sourced platform based community will help reduce the infliction of depression… Best Wishes..

    1. Thanks Kiran. That was the thought and also the fact that there is so much taboo and dogma associated to Depression that even if a person is aware of it he/she might want to deny it. If a platform is made available where Help can be provided and anonymity maintained more and more people would want to explore it. Thanks for the encouragement!

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