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On December 4, 2019, Corine Morain commented on Live inside your content: The future of entertainment :

Thank you for sharing such an interesting post. The passage in which you mention how the technology utilizes the data produced by gamers to learn from human behaviour in order to emulate it makes so much sense! In fact I would assume that it is the perfect kind of data for the purpose.
I have seen an article* on children’s behaviour towards a robot, how they may develop an emotional response and why it is important to call the robot “it” in order to learn how to draw the line but at some point, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the same kind of article about adult subjects…


On December 4, 2019, Corine Morain commented on Hello, Barbie? NLP and the first conversational doll :

Great article, thank you for sharing! While I totally understand why it was not well received by all consumers I still think that Mattel should use their feedbacks and go forward with this kind of technology in general. I think the value proposition has some potential as a support for language development, especially in the context of more and more kids growing up exposed to screens at a young age – TV, tablets and smartphones – all of which are one way communication entertainment that doesn’t develop communication skills and may be harmfull to children’s psychological development.

On December 4, 2019, Corine Morain commented on Symrise and IBM: New Fragrances Created by AI :

Fragrance creation and AI, this is such an unexpected combination! I wonder at what frequence does the Philyra software come up with new proposal? Would it be around 10 or 100 a day? I would assume that starting from a certain amount, the frustration of the perfumer would be lowered since making a choice between a large number of combinations would give him/her a feeling of agency and the possibility to still express a personal note while benefiting from the AI’s intervention. Anyway, this is a great post, thanks for sharing!

On November 13, 2019, Corine Morain commented on Waze – Get the best route in real time with help from fellow drivers. :

I didn’t know that Waze had a carpooling option and I am so glad to find that out, thank you for your post! I have noticed that in France, carpooling is way more mainstream than in the United States so I really hope it develops well. I find it to be very cost saving, better for the environment and it bolsters human interraction beyond the usual relationship of driver-client; I know some people who does use it for the sociable and friendly aspect!

On November 13, 2019, Corine Morain commented on The Met’s Goldmine of Data Assets :

I love this topic, thank you for sharing! It has been a recuring conversation in my anthropology classes, how does art becomes iconic? I am sure that the MET was well aware of the effect circulation and reproduction would have on the pieces’ aura. After all, that’s how Mona Lisa got the attention she has now.

Such an interesting article! I can’t help but associate it to the movie about the rise of the McDonald franchise called The Founder and think of how this business has been through tremendous change. In the first 3rd of the movie, the focus is on the problem of making sure the service offered in subsequent restaurants is as good as the original place and you see how much effort is put into monitoring and managing all the workers, but now, with the app, inspection has become a lot easier since the surveillance work is past to the customers who rate their own experience…

On November 13, 2019, Corine Morain commented on Big Data Behind Disney Magic :

Thank you for writing such an interesting post, I am particularly amazed by the real time movie ending option, it is such a creative way to use affective AI! You are raising the question of consent which I find being the most recuring issue when looking at big data in general, but as you mentioned, in this case, it seems that when it occures within clear geographic and time boundaries – a movie theater or a theme park, it somehow makes it more acceptable, especially if it is considered a form of payement, at least in the context of the theme park magicband users.

On October 17, 2019, Corine Morain commented on The democratization of fine art: How much for 0.02% of that Picasso? :

Thank you for the very interesting post, I am amazed by the idea. I wonder if democratization is really the right idea, I see it appealing to only a handful of people who would most likely be interested in profit than art itself. In the long term, speculation will probably incentivize the value of pieces to rise and so we could argue that it doesn’t make it more democratic.

On October 17, 2019, Corine Morain commented on TikTok: Transforming Video-Sharing :

Very good choice of platform to study, TikTok is definitely shaking the social media industry. I am probably too old for it since I am a little too concern about what its success means for the future of human interaction. Their algorithm, in my understanding, prioritize instant/ephemeral buzz group of random people who happen to simultaneously share content related posts rather than match users with his/her circle of friends or relatives. The algorithm is targeting increase user time and nothing else, as this New York Times articles also suggests,

On October 17, 2019, Corine Morain commented on Airbnb – Stay in a home away from home wherever you travel :

Thank you for sharing this very interesting post, I really love this topic, Airbnb never cease to puzzle me. Since they are creating massive waves of gentrification I wonder what kind of “authentic experience” will they be able to offer when all the “authentic people” are gone and entire neighborhoods becomes Disney-fied with hype coffee places and stores to accommodate the growing global cosmopolite citizens. Today, Airbnb is used by professionals as a platform to operate their home leasing activities and not just the home owner they were targeting in the beginning which is highly disturbing city fabrics. Before, hotels location could be defined by planning laws but for urban planners, Airbnb is harder to control. I have seen cities like Paris react to those issues, it would be interesting to see how Airbnb respond, probably growing vertically and taking care of the whole trip experience from door to door could be a good option.

On September 24, 2019, Corine Morain commented on Are you loyal to bricks-and-mortar? (Wells Fargo vs. Revolut) :

Very interesting topic Ivan, I have never considered the questions of how banks instrumentalize data and would be very interested in learning more about the algorithm that could predict customers spending behavior. What do they collect? How much of the algorithm is based on spending habits corresponding to your demographic segment and how much takes into consideration external forces?

On September 24, 2019, Corine Morain commented on TripAdvisor – changing travel one review at a time. :

You are making very good points Riddhi! The way you described how travel agencies used to operate in the first part of your post is also revealing of how face to face interaction and mainstream destinations were substantial to create a safe and trustworthy, network of relationships across geographic distance since agencies couldn’t send their customers to completely virgin destinations. With that in mind, we can assume that the other huge disruption brought by Tripadvisor was to unlock new doors to remote destinations by taking away the fear of the unknown but still providing tourists with more authentic and less mainstream options. What are the risks though? Is there a scenario where TripAdvisor would bring new streams of unwanted tourists in places with fragile culture and threaten their preservation?

On September 24, 2019, Corine Morain commented on Podcasting: Wayne’s World v.s. Corporate Media :

Very interesting topic Jackson, thank you for sharing! Your post made me realize the great potential of podcasts in infiltrating every day’s life routine so conveniently, especially because being able to choose them according to their length allows you to match them to your tasks, such as walking your dog or cooking diner. When big entertainment companies invest more and more in costly show production, podcast are, as you mentioned, a lot cheaper and have an obvious but unneglectable distinctive strength: they don’t require visual supports so they are great for multitasking and convenient to busy people who still wants their daily dose of entertainment. Maybe that could also explain how radio survived as well? I wonder if the demographic segments of podcast users in general reflects a majority of young adult and adult crowd in contrast to teenagers and whether it impacts the kind of podcast content available.